What a great year for TKL.
We started the coaching season with traveling private clinics in Bucerias Mexico. What a great experience. Great wind, great clients, and great location.

From Bucerias our next stop was Jetty Island our home training location. Jetty Island is a favorite for smooth winds and fast progression. Unfortunately Jetty had an off year. lessons were sporadic this year with below average temps and not as many clear days. We did have some great lessons and had a lot of fun but for sure an off year. (We are picky about the conditions we coach in and may have been able to squeak out a few more days but feel we would have sacrificed our lesson quality and experience to do it.)

Our most exciting news of the season is our official permit to operate at Wenatchee State Park. We’ve been working with the parks department for years to finally make this a reality. Were the only school licensed and permitted to coach at Wenatchee State Park, it’s been a great success for us and our clients. The wind is stronger, easier to predict, and compliments our home spot of Jetty Island. With onsite parking, showers and facilities it’s a awesome spot to have as a location. Not to mention it’s beautiful…

With a great season under our belts we are off to our annual coaches appreciation trip. Thanks Katina, Barn’s, and Pat for the great season.